klinik kecantikan jakarta utara
Drinking Tea Hot Runway Cancer?
Jakarta, For you who like the sensation of drinking hot tea, and vice versa removed. Wait for your tea to be warm just ready to be inhaled. Sipping hot tea is thought to cause cancer risk. How can it be? Karna until now beginner tahunya useful tea, especially green tea that has a high anti-oxidant content that plays a role in fighting free radicals that cause damage to the body. It has become common knowledge that green tea has a high anti-oxidant substance that catechins refer to. The magic substance in the know can lower the risk of cancer, including prostate cancer, digestion and breast cancer. Some research also shows that catechins can treat esophageal cancer (throat), but some others find otherwise. One study reported in the International Journal of Cancer taken from health24, Friday (24/7/2009) said different. Research involving 5. 400 adults in China who have throat cancer and who do not have the disease are given regular green tea drinks. But ultimately it does not show there is a decrease in the risk of disease. In fact, after investigation, some panelists drink green tea obtained in hot conditions. Based on that fact, some researchers try to connect on consuming green tea in hot conditions with the added risk of esophageal cancer (throat). Researchers found those who drank hot tea had a 3x esophageal cancer risk greater than those who drank it in warm or cold conditions. Those who drank hot tea in warm conditions (not too hot) did not show signs of increased risk of esophageal cancer. There is research that strengthens the research first in bln. March 2009 studying the fabric of hot tea and esophageal cancer. Research shows that those who drank tea as soon as poured (still hot), the risk of esophageal cancer is greater than those who wait a few minutes, then drink it after a bit cold. Until now there has been no scientific explanation why hot tea esophageal cancer increases, but the chances are the heat that goes into the throat with a continuous will also cause damage to some of the throat cells.
Dr. Jinkou Zhao from Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention in China also recommends some people to consume drinks in warm conditions, do not be very hot. Some other research even says that consumption of other hot drinks / foods (coffee, soup) increases the risk of esophageal cancer and stomach cancer. For a moment the study linked to hot green tea is still in the spotlight, Zhao said that consuming green tea in warm conditions still provides health benefits for the body, including lowering the risk of cancer.
Drug Reference
www. indofarma. co. id (fah / ir)
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